Published: 2023-08-23

Development and Validation of an Interactive E-Book in Physics 9

2706-2715 Noel Dominado, Criselle May P. Bulaun, Cynthia G. Quiambao

Challenges in Implementing the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka in Higher Education

2716-2723 Humiras Betty Marlina Sihombing, Jelita Panjaitan

Analysis Pragmatical Policy of Leadership Style Dynamics

2724-2730 Muhammad Iqbal Jamaluddin, Endang Herawan, Yayah Rahyasih, Luthfi Audia Pribadi

Financial Distress Risk Levels of Listed Small and Medium Enterprises in the Philippines

2731-2739 Gensbergh G. Rago, Sarah Fe Sharon L. Gabriel, Jonas B. Abellar

Online System Adaptation Single Submission Risk Based Approach (OSS-RBA)

2757-2768 Triambodo Andi Kristantiya, Sudarmo Sudarmo, Desiderius Priyo Sudibyo

Baseline Assessment of Marine Resources Caught by Fishermen in Selected Coastal Barangays of Cawayan, Masbate, Philippines

2785-2701 Roger Y. Ibañez, Jr. , Jacob Frederick Velza, Janice Ompoc, Mark Dave Oporto, Froilan Mobo

A Critical Discourse Analysis of Former Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte’s State of the City Addresses (SOCAs)

2718-2734 Maico Demi B. Aperocho, Seth A. Flores, Jenyvive G. Gabisan, Noevy Jane B. Ygay

Physical Activity Engagement Across Human Life Cycles: A Scoping Review

2786-2800 Rafael Luis G. Castro, Lenard M. Manalansan, Vanessa B. Sibug

Storytelling in the Classroom: Why it Matters in Event Marketing Education

2847-2852 Raymond Allan G. Vergara, Kimberly Christie S. Vergara

Contract Management System among Selected Construction Companies in Qatar

2853-2862 Mark Anthony N. Polinar, Gerelyn S. Dela Cruz

Impacts of Digitization of Business Permits and Licenses in District 3 Quezon City

2933-2942 Ian Dave U. Alindajao, Neygen D. Abbot, Jayson B. Mariňas, Bernandino P. Malang, Florinda G. Vigonte

Sleep Quality of SHS STEM Students Post-pandemic

2958-2965 Justin Jacob Encabo, Hazel Marie Berja, Chrissa Leaj Chavez, Sheila Mae Dela Pena, Juliana Marie Dormindo, Jwennyth Wackyn Lim, Phillip Raymund de Oca

A Case Study on Philippine Sustainable Enterprises Aligned with the Quantum Sustainable Organizing Theory (QSOT)

3003-3033 Angelique C. Blasa Cheng, Rhett M. Chiu, Catherine M. Dy, Su Jin Kim, Paul D. Trono, Patrick Adiel H. Aure, Raymond Allan Vergara

Spatio-Temporal Pattern Analysis of Forest Fire in Malang based on Remote Sensing using K-Means Clustering

3046-3057 Annisa Puspa Kirana, Mungki Astiningrum, Candra Bella Vista, Adhitya Bhawiyuga, Aris Nur Amrozi