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This quantitative study aimed to determine the correlation between  senior high school Grade 12 students’ perception of school climate and compliance with school classroom norms in a private university in Manila, Philippines. A sample of 249 Grade 12 respondents who were randomly selected  answered the online self-administered questionnaire composed of modified scales to explore the two variables, with Cronbach tests exhibiting an acceptable level of internal consistency (perceptions school climate = 0.88, compliance of classroom norms = 0.86). The study found  a positive perception of school climate (M = 4.19, SD = 0.40) and a very high level of classroom norm compliance (M = 3.40, SD = 0.32) among the respondents. The Pearson R test revealed a significant moderate positive correlation between their perception of school climate and their level of school classroom norm compliance and  (r = 0.554,  p < 0.001). This implies that their compliance or adherence to school classroom norms increases as their perception of school climate positively increases.

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How to Cite
Ahorro , A. M. T., David , M. R. T., Molina, J. M. V., Pangilinan, A. B. Y., & Arcinas, M. M. (2021). Correlations between the Senior High School Grade 12 Students’ Perception of School Classroom Climate and Compliance to School Classroom Norms in a Private University in Manila, Philippines. International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research, 2(4), 274-284.


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