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This study was conducted to determine the lateral and vertical distribution of material resistivity values on Poka alluvial plain using electrodes with Wenner-Schlumberger configuration. Mapping is carried out on 2 lines each 120 m long with the smallest space of 10 m. The results showed that the resistivity of the material ranged from 48.8 Ωm to 2.247 Ωm spread laterally with a depth of up to 26.2 m. Loose Sand material occupies the upper layer, followed by the Alluvium and Sand layers in the middle, and Sand and Water which are unconfined aquifers in the lower layer.
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How to Cite
Latupapua, A. I., Tahapary, F. D., & Soplanit, R. (2023). The Estimation of Resistivity of Poka Alluvial Plain Material by Geoelectric Method with Wenner-Schlumberger Configuration. International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research, 4(9), 3116-3122.
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Farhati, M. dan Rosid, M.S. 2022. Identifikasi Bidang Gelincir dengan Metode Geolistrik Tahanan Jenis 2 Dimensi di Daerah Keranggan, Tangerang Selatan. POSI-TRON Vol. 12 (1) : 1 – 8. DOI:
Jefriyanto, U., As’ari, Seni H.J. Tongkukut. 2015. Metode Geolistrik Resistivitas Kon-figurasi Wenner-Schlumberger dan Kon-figurasi Dipole-Dipole untuk Identifikasi Patahan Manado di Kecamatan Paaldua Kota Manado. Jurnal Ilmiah Sains Vol. 15 (2) : 135-141
Latupapua, A. I. 2022a. Groundwater Investi-gation with Geoelectrical Method in Dulah Laut Village, Tual City. Agrologia, 11(1), 12-20. DOI:
Latupapua, A. I. 2022b. Identification of Aqui-fers in Kuber Beach Tourism Area, Tual City. Agrologia, 11(2), 115-124. DOI:
Latupapua, A. I., Puturuhu, F., & Marthen, M. C. 2023. Identification of Rock Resistivity and Slip Surface in the Ambon Volcanic Rock in the Kayu Putih Area of Ambon City. International Journal of Multidisci-plinary: Applied Business and Education Research, 4(4), 1383-1390.
Milsom, J. 2003. Field Geophysics. 3rded. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, England. ISBN 0-470-84347-0
Pratama, W., Rustadi, dan Haerudin, N. 2019. Aplikasi Metode Geolistrik Resistivitas Konfigurasi Wenner-Schlumberger untuk Mengidentifikasi Litologi Batuan Bawah Permukaan dan Fluida Panas Bumi Way Ratai di Area Manifestasi Padok di Keca-matan Padang Cermin Kabupaten Pe-sawaran Provinsi Lampung. J. Geofisika Eksplorasi Vol 5 (1):30-44. DOI:
Putra, N, I., Zulfian, Z., Muliadi, M. 2021. Pendugaan Lapisan Akuifer Di Desa Pe-runtan Kecamatan Jangkang Kabupaten Sanggau Berdasarkan Nilai Tahanan Jenis. Prisma Fisika Vol. 9 (3) : 304-308.
Reynolds, J.M. (1998). An Introduction to Ap-plied and Environmental Geophysics. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Chichester. ISBN : 0-471-95555-8
Salam, R., Sunarto Sunarto, Santosa, L. W. 2018. Penentuan Kedalaman Interface pada Bentuklahan Lereng Gunungapi Bawah dan Bentuk lahan Dataran Aluvial Kepesisiran di Pulau Ternate. Positron Vol. 8 (1) : 8-14.
Septiyansah, M. R., Muliadi, Zulfian. (2020). Identifikasi Struktur Bawah Permukaan di Daerah Pariwisata Ai Sipatn Lotup Ka-bupaten Sanggau Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik Resistivitas. PRISMA FISIKA, Vol. 8 (3) : 172 – 179. DOI:
Sihaloho, P. M., Latupapua, A., & Liubana, S. (2023). Investigation of Rock Resistivity Using Geoelectrical Methods in the Allu-vial Plain of Poka Village, Teluk Ambon District, Ambon City. Agrologia, 12(1), 69-76.
Sultan. 2018. Potensi Air Tanah Di Daerah Rapporappowa dan Kalukuang, Desa Rewataya Pulau Tanakeke, Kecamatan Mappakasunggu Kabupaten Takalar, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Jurnal Tepat Guna Vol. 1 (1): 61-71. doi:
Telford, W. M., Geldart, L. P., Sherif, R.E & Keys, D. D. (1990). Applied Geophysics Second Edition. Cambridge University Press. London. ISBN 0-521- 33938-3 Tjokrosaputro, S., Rusmana, E. & Achdan, A. (1993). Geological Map of The Ambon Sheet, Maluku, GRDC, Directorate Gen-eral of Geology and Mineral Resources, Department of Mine and Energy the Re-public of Indonesia.
Tjokrosaputro, S., Rusmana, E. & Achdan, A. (1993). Geological Map of The Ambon Sheet, Maluku, GRDC, Directorate Gen-eral of Geology and Mineral Resources, Department of Mine and Energy the Re-public of Indonesia.
Ucu Takhmat Akhus. 2004. Peta Cekungan Air Tanah Kepulauan Maluku Lembar IV. Skala 1:250,000
Verbeek, R.D.M, and M. Koperberg. (1898). Geologische Kaart van Ambon Schaal 1:100.000
Wardhana, R.R., Dwa Desa Warnana, Amien Widodo. 2017. Identifikasi Intrusi Air Laut Pada Air Tanah Menggunakan Metode Resistivitas 2D Studi Kasus Surabaya Ti-mur. Geosaintek Vol. 3 (1): 17-22.