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Soil water balance calculation is one of the methods used to estimate the dynamics of soil water content during plant growth. This study aims to describe rainfall conditions and analyze soil water balance as well as determine the growing season and composition of food crop combination patterns based on the available growing season in East Seram Island. This research uses rainfall data for 30 years of observation period 1992-2021 from Geser Meteorological Station (Data analysis with the following stages: (i) rainfall analysis (ii) calculation of average rainfall (iii) determination of rainfall with a 75% chance (iv) calculation of soil water balance using the Thornthwaite and Mather method (v) determination of the growing season and cropping pattern. The results showed that the average rainfall in East Seram was 2,194 mm/year with a water deficit (D) occurring in October and November, then the rainfall had a 75% chance of being exceeded at 1,439 mm/year with a water deficit of 228 mm/year which lasted for eight months, namely August - March. The growing season under normal rainfall conditions was available throughout the year, while under high rainfall conditions, a 75% chance of the growing season was available for five months, namely May and October. The cropping patterns and crop combinations used were monoculture, polyculture, and intercropping with combinations of cassava, maize, sweet potato, groundnut, mung bean, cassava-corn, cassava-peanuts/green beans, maize-peanuts, cassava-corn-peanuts/green beans, cassava-corn-horticultural crops.
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