Main Article Content
The popularity of mushroom cultivation in the Philippines can be attributed to its minimal input demands, driving its increasing adoption across various sectors. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to ascertain how product quality, social influence, and market accessibility influenced the purchase intention of cultured mushroom consumers. The study also investigated product quality, social influence, market accessibility, and purchase intention. It employed descriptive and correlational study designs, with 165 consumers in the first district of Ilocos Sur serving as respondents. To choose the study participants, it used the convenience sampling technique. A questionnaire that the researcher constructed was used to collect the data. The findings indicated that product quality, social influence, and market accessibility influence the purchase intention of consumers. Finally, to optimize sales, market reach, and market visibility, this study offered recommendations for cultured mushroom growers in the first district of Ilocos Sur.
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How to Cite
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Badalyan, S., Gharibyan, N., & and Grigoryan, M., (2015). Current situation and further development of the mushroom-growing industry in Armenia.
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Bakratsas, G., Polydera, A., Katapodis, P., & Stamatis, H. (2021). Recent trends in submerged cultivation of mushrooms and their application as a source of nutraceu-ticals and food additives. Future Foods, 4, 100086.
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De Guzman, R., (2021). Evaluation of mycelial growth of oyster mushroom (pleurotus ostreatus) from cassava and taro pure culture media in crack corn. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Jour-nal, 7(4): 177–183.
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Dulay, R.M., Batangan, J., Kalaw, S., De Leon, A., Cabrera, E., Kimura, K., Eguchi, F., & Reyes, R., (2023). Records of wild mush-rooms in the Philippines: A review. Jour-nal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology, 11(2): 11-32.
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Mirabi, V., Akbariyeh, H., & Tahmasebifard, H., (2015). A study of factors affecting on customers purchase intention. case study: the agencies of bono brand tile in Tehran. Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology, 2(1): 267-273.
Moxley, A., Ebel, R., Cripps, C.L., Austin, C.G., Stein, M., & Winder, M., (2022). Barriers and opportunities: specialty cultivated mushroom production in the united states. Sustainability, 14: 12591.
Owusu, R., & Anang, B.T., (2023). Consump-tion and preferences for mushrooms in Ghana: A comparison between regret-based and utility-based approaches. Food and Humanity, 1(2023): 1619-1626.
Predanócyová, K., Árvay, J., & Šnirc, M., (2023). Exploring consumer behavior and preferences towards edible mush-rooms in Slovakia. Foods, 12: 657.
Razak, Nirwanto, & Triatmanto, (2016). The impact of product quality and price on customer satisfaction with the mediator of customer value. Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research, 30: 59-68.
Sambo, E., Sunday, U.I., Mary, A., & John, F., (2022). Impact of product quality on cus-tomer satisfaction and loyalty. The Acad-emy of Management Nigeria.
Shabbir, M.Q., Khan, A.A., & Khan, S.R., (2017). Brand loyalty brand image and brand eq-uity: the mediating role of brand aware-ness. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 19(2): 416-423.
Walintukan, C., Tumbuan, W., & Tulung, J., (2018). The effect of product quality, sales promotion and social influence. Jurnal EMBA, 6(4): 3533-3542.
Zhang, Y., Geng, W., Shen, Y., Wang, Y., & Dai, Y.C., (2014). Edible mushroom cultivation for food security and rural development in China: bio-innovation, technological dissemination and marketing. Sustaina-bility, 6: 2961-2973.
Anggita, R., & Ali, H., (2017). The influence of product quality, service quality and price to purchase decision of sgm bunda milk (study on PT. Sarihusada Generasi Ma-hardika Region Jakarta, South Tangerang District). Scholars Bulletin, 3(6): 261-272.
Badalyan, S., Gharibyan, N., & and Grigoryan, M., (2015). Current situation and further development of the mushroom-growing industry in Armenia.
Bakratsas, G., Polydera, A., Katapodis, P., & Stamatis, H. (2021). Recent trends in submerged cultivation of mushrooms and their application as a source of nutraceu-ticals and food additives. Future Foods, 4, 100086.
Bakratsas, G., Polydera, A., Katapodis, P., & Stamatis, H. (2021). Recent trends in submerged cultivation of mushrooms and their application as a source of nutraceu-ticals and food additives. Future Foods, 4, 100086.
Ballesteros, J., Manaois, R., Morales, A., & Abilgos-Ramos, R., (2021). Towards con-sumer-oriented mushroom-based prod-uct development: an exploratory study in rice-based farming communities in cen-tral Luzon, Philippines. Journal of Eco-nomics, Management & Agricultural De-velopment, 7(1): 1-19.
Bandara, A., Lian, C.K., Xu, J., & Mortimer, P., (2021). Mushroom as a means of sustain-able rural development in the Chin State, Myanmar. Circular Agricultural Systems, 1: 4.
Brata, B.H., Husani, S., & Ali, H., (2017). The Influence of Quality Products, Price, Promotion, and Location to Product Pur-chase Decision on Nitchi At PT. Jaya Swa-rasa Agung in Central Jakarta. Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies, 2(4B): 433-445.
Chang, H.Y., Jeon, S.W., Cosadio, A., Icalina, K., Panganiban, R., Quirino, R., & Song, Y., (2014). Status and prospect of mushroom industry in the Philippines. JPAIR Multi-disciplinary Research, 16(1): 1-16. 10.7719/jpair.v16i1.268
Cianni, R., Pippinato, L., & Mancuso, T., (2023). A systematic review on drivers influenc-ing consumption of edible mushrooms and innovative mushroom-containing products. Appetite, 182: 106454.
De Guzman, R., (2021). Evaluation of mycelial growth of oyster mushroom (pleurotus ostreatus) from cassava and taro pure culture media in crack corn. JournalNX - A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Jour-nal, 7(4): 177–183.
Dollison, M., (2023). Performance of edible mushroom varieties under different ag-ricultural substrates. International Jour-nal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business And Education Research, 4(5): 1612–1617.
Dulay, R.M., Batangan, J., Kalaw, S., De Leon, A., Cabrera, E., Kimura, K., Eguchi, F., & Reyes, R., (2023). Records of wild mush-rooms in the Philippines: A review. Jour-nal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology, 11(2): 11-32.
Ehsani, Z., & Ehsani, M.H., (2015). Effect of quality and price on customer satisfaction and commitment in Iran auto industry. International Journal of Service Sciences, Management and Engineering, 1(5): 52-56.
Galloway, A., (2005). Non-Probability Sam-pling. Encyclopedia of Social Measure-ment.
Haris, J., Rahim, S. A., Haris, M., & Zahari, M. S. (2021). Using the Theory of Planned Be-haviour to Predict Purchase Intention towards using Taobao. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(2), 952-959.
Imaningsih, S., & Rohma, S., (2018). The model of product quality, promotion, price, and purchase decisions. Jurnal Ekonomi, 23(2): 260-271.
Malviya, M., Saluja, M., & Thakur, A., (2013). A study on the factors influencing consum-er’s purchase decision towards smartphones in Indore. International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management Studies, 1(6): 14-21.
Mirabi, V., Akbariyeh, H., & Tahmasebifard, H., (2015). A study of factors affecting on customers purchase intention. case study: the agencies of bono brand tile in Tehran. Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology, 2(1): 267-273.
Moxley, A., Ebel, R., Cripps, C.L., Austin, C.G., Stein, M., & Winder, M., (2022). Barriers and opportunities: specialty cultivated mushroom production in the united states. Sustainability, 14: 12591.
Owusu, R., & Anang, B.T., (2023). Consump-tion and preferences for mushrooms in Ghana: A comparison between regret-based and utility-based approaches. Food and Humanity, 1(2023): 1619-1626.
Predanócyová, K., Árvay, J., & Šnirc, M., (2023). Exploring consumer behavior and preferences towards edible mush-rooms in Slovakia. Foods, 12: 657.
Razak, Nirwanto, & Triatmanto, (2016). The impact of product quality and price on customer satisfaction with the mediator of customer value. Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research, 30: 59-68.
Sambo, E., Sunday, U.I., Mary, A., & John, F., (2022). Impact of product quality on cus-tomer satisfaction and loyalty. The Acad-emy of Management Nigeria.
Shabbir, M.Q., Khan, A.A., & Khan, S.R., (2017). Brand loyalty brand image and brand eq-uity: the mediating role of brand aware-ness. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 19(2): 416-423.
Walintukan, C., Tumbuan, W., & Tulung, J., (2018). The effect of product quality, sales promotion and social influence. Jurnal EMBA, 6(4): 3533-3542.
Zhang, Y., Geng, W., Shen, Y., Wang, Y., & Dai, Y.C., (2014). Edible mushroom cultivation for food security and rural development in China: bio-innovation, technological dissemination and marketing. Sustaina-bility, 6: 2961-2973.