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The rapid urbanization of Metro Manila led to a surge in condominium construction projects, which, despite offering efficient housing solutions, faced significant challenges due to dense urban environment, susceptibility to natural disasters & the health and safety issues related to accidents, losses, injuries, damages, and/or delays arising during the execution of a project which may adversely affect its success. This study explored the efficacy of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in assessing and prioritizing risks specific to Metro Manila's condominium construction projects, addressing a critical gap in current risk assessment methodologies. The study engaged mixed methods, integrating Meta-Analysis, Experts Consultation, and AHP, to identify and prioritize Risk Factors (RFs) in condominium construction projects. A systematic review through meta-analysis revealed nine critical RFs, including Technical/Design, Financial/Economic, Environmental, Regulatory/Legal, Socio-Political, Logistics/Supply Chain, Management/Supervision, Quality, and Health and Safety Risks. Inputs from experts from a diverse group of qualified professionals had been pooled to validate these findings. Through AHP analysis, risks specific to Metro Manila's condominium construction projects were revealed, with Health and Safety Risk (19.52%), Quality Risk (15.97%) and Management/Supervision Risk (15.77%) as the major concerns. An internal consistency of 0.71% attested to the reliability testing of the results. Given the complexity of condominium construction projects, this study responds to an important demand: a more systemic understanding of risk factors. Moreover, this study is relevant to further enhance and improve sustainability in condominium projects as well as performance of the construction industry.

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Dirampaten, A. D., & Grińo, Jr, A. A. (2024). Assessment of Risk Factors in Condominium Buildings Construction in Metro Manila using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research, 5(7), 2539-2557.


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