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The emergence of technology significantly affects the transformation of how the local government and its citizens interact through the utilization of the e-government services platform. This study focuses on the impact of e-government technologies on citizen engagement and service delivery in the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Caloocan City. The results high-light citizens' perspectives on Caloocan's e-government platform, under-scoring concerns, challenges, and suggestions for improvement. Privacy and security rank highly among citizens’ concerns, while language acces-sibility is less of an issue. However, survey data from 250 respondents highlight that 73% expressed satisfaction with the user interface and design of the e-government platform, while 58% trusted the platform's security and privacy measures, though 10% indicated a lack of trust in the system’s data security. To build on this foundation, respondents sug-gest improvements such as better customer support, clearer communica-tion, and training opportunities that could help boost confidence and en-courage active participation. By means of addressing these areas, the platform could be more effectively support the community’s needs, en-hancing trust and fostering a stronger connection between citizens and the local government.

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How to Cite
Valle, J. S., Bugayao, Z. R., Gutierrez, C., Malang, B. P., & Malang, J. D. (2024). Impact of E-Government Technologies on Citizen Engagement and Service Delivery: A Case Study of Local Government Units in Caloocan. International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research, 5(11), 4577-4591.


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