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In the advent of the “new normal” during the pandemic era, strategies to teach and learn switched to online. Students’ behavior and attitude also shifted from face-to-face to online. This study aims to assess the students' profiles and the prevalence of cyberbullying in the higher education institutions in Central Luzon, Philippines. The study used a descriptive-correlational technique with the help of an online survey to gather data. Using a convenience sampling technique, 300 higher education students participated in the online survey during the first semester of 2021–2022. In order to attain the objective of the study, the investigators used a standardized instrument. With the help of SPSS 23, the data analyst analyzed the gathered data using the following statistical tools: frequency, weighted mean, and non-parametrical tests like Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney U, and Spearman rho. The investigator found that the student-respondents were "never" cyberbullying victims or offenders. Furthermore, statistical inferences showed a variation for cyberbullying offenders as to age and sponsorship/scholarship and a weak indirect relationship between cyberbullying offenders and sponsorship/scholarship characteristics of the students. The investigators recommended pertinent implications for the new normal of learning among students and the institution from the study results.

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Asio, J. M. R., Dojello, S. D., Etrata-Filio, R., Santos, J. L. M., Capiral, C. I. S., Monzales, R. P., Patiam, A. M. C., Elpedes, J., & Ambrosio, A. J. M. (2022). Prevalence of Cyberbullying in the New Normal of Learning: Implications to Higher Education Institutions. International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research, 3(4), 640-649.


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