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Along with Indonesia, the COVID-19 outbreak has expanded across the globe. All facets of community life are affected by this disruption, including the educational system, which shifts from face-to-face instruction to online distance learning. To break the link of the COVID-19 outbreak's spread, the West Sumatra PGRI STKIP campus has made changes to the educational system. Without having to travel to a campus, students can learn online from the comfort of their own homes. However, this causes students to have issues with internet networks, quota availability, and understanding in the classroom. The goal of this study was to describe the methods used by students to deal with challenges presented by online learning in the COVID-19 program. The idea put forth between COVID-19 outbreaks. Constructivism theory was the one that was employed. Additionally, this study takes a qualitative descriptive technique to offer information about students' online learning strategies. Twenty students and five professors served as the study's informants. using Matthew Milles and Huberman's interactive model to analyze the data after gathering it through interviews and documentation. The study's findings show that students always provide a quota before classes begin, opt for a place where they can easily access the internet, question friends about concepts they don't understand, read articles and tutorials on YouTube, and always have memory available.
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