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The UN SDG for performance measures is already in place that makes the Barangay Solidarity Program build to address one of the issues which are ageism. In today’s changing society, not only changing values are important, but also changing the numbers and mindset of the people. Old persons have seen many changes in their lives, and the changes associated with aging are taken pretty much in stride. This study examines the real happiness of older persons, the expectations that society has for them, how people adapt to future forces in later life. The study employed a mixed-method approach. The successful aging dimensions were reviewed among older persons. A quantitative survey among 200 older persons and exploratory factor analysis was applied to test the structural validity of the instrument. This includes the ten dimensions of happiness namely: food, family, friends, faculty, fitness, financial, faith, future, and fear. In addition, this study explores that the older persons of the future may have no choice but to be self-reliant. The obtained results indicated that the happiness of older persons has significant effects on their faculty, faith, and future singly and in the combination of moderating variables such as age, gender, and pension. The different stakeholders' collaboration, co-production, and co-creation should be realized to meet the challenges on what the people feel, need, and get involved in their resilient bright future and capacity building as part of community-based enterprises. For future undertakings, other researchers may consider government organizations as co-leadership, and co-organizers of every barangay success for aging society, pandemic crisis and disaster preparedness, and economic enterprises at individual and social levels for sustainable development goals of local governance.
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Ibid, WHO 1 July 2021 and
See also Goodhart, Charles and Pradhan, Manoj, The Great Demographic Reversal, Ageing Societies, Waning Inequality, and An Inflation Revival (2020), ISBN 978-3-030-42656-9,, Palgrave Macmillan, Switzerland
Ibid, OECD and WHO definition of ageing, aged and super aged society hous-ing/statistical-tables
Note that the Philippine Statistics Authority Census on the population of Nagbalon is lower compared to the 2020 barangay initiated census . Such dis-crepancy maybe due to the methodology and pur-poses. The barangay census initiative was under-taken with guidance from the municipal govern-ment.
Levitin, Daniel, Successful Aging : A Neuroscientists Explores the Power and Potential of Our Lives (2020), ISBN 9781524746414, Penguin Random House LLC, New York
Ibid, PSA statistics table
Ostrom, Elinor has numerous publications on this which was the base for her 2009 Nobel Prize in econom-ics of the commons
On the aspect of work, refer to Susskind, Daniel, A World without Work, Technology, Automation, and How We Should Respond (2021), ISBN 9781250173522, Picador, New York
Zakaria, Fareed, Ten Lessons for a Post Pandemic World (2020), ISBN 978-0-393-54212-1, W.W. Norton and Company, Inc., New York
See Bill Gates, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, The So-lutions We Have and The Breakthroughs We Need (2021), ISBN 9780385546140, Penguin Random House LLC, New York
Galloway, Scot, Post Corona, From Crisis to Opportunity (2020), ISBN 9780593332221, Penguin Random House LLC
Parker, Geoffrey G., Van Alstyne, Marshall W. and Choudary, Sangeet Paul, Platform Revolution, How Networked Markets are Transforming the Econo-my and How to Make Them work for You (2016), ISBN 978-0-393-24912-5,W.W. Norton and Com-pany, Inc. New York
For decentralized set up such as the net metering, refer to Jeremy Rifkin on The Zero Marginal Cost Socie-ty, The Internet of Things, The Collaborative Commons and the Eclipse of Capitalism (2014), ISBN 978-1-137-27846-3 and The Green New Deal, Why the Fossil Fuel Will Collapse by 2028, and The Bold Economic Plan to Save the Earth (2019) ISBN 9781250253217, Saint Martin Pub-lishing, New York
Cohen, Sir Ronald, Impact: Reshaping Capitalism to Drive Real Change (2020), ISBN 9781473583573, Penguin Random House UK
Chang, Ann Mei, Lean Impact (2019), ISBN 9781119506645, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hobo-ken, New Jersey
Kelly, Marjorie and Howard, Ted, The Making of a Democratic Economy, Building Prosperity for the Many, Not Just a Few (2019), ISBN 978-1-5230-9993-1, Berett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. Oakland, CA
The targets and indicators were taken from this weblink: Microsoft Word - N1604524-LIST ONLY RE-VISED.docx ( . See also THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development (
The aspect of social safety nets such as pensions, cash and commodities transfer were reviewed on the aspect of financials and future which are widely available from the OECD, the World Bank, IMF and the Asian Development Bank. On the aspect of fear, refer to the works of Satchin Panda, The Cir-cadian Code (2108), ISBN 9781635654444, Crown Publishing, New York and David Sinclair, Lifespan, Why We Age and Why We Don’t have To (2019), ISBN 9781501191992, Simon and Schuster, New York
Ayalon, Liat and Tesch-Romer, Clemens, eds, Contempo-rary Perspective on Ageism (2019), Springer ISBN 978-3-319-73820-8 (eBook)