Published: 2024-03-23

A Dermatological Safety Test of a Face Serum Formulation Derived from Honey and Propolis of Stingless Bee from East Kalimantan

748-754 Januartha Kisari Dewi, Vera Madonna Lumban Toruan, Swandari Paramita, Enos Tangke Arung

The Effectiveness of Animation Media on The Language Skills of Class V Students

755-761 Yanti Arasi Sidabutar, Leonita Maria Efipanias Manihuruk, Carles Adelberth

Computational thinking in mathematical problem solving: Pattern recognition

791-797 Marhan Taufik, Akhsanul Inam, Reni Dwi Susanti

Influence of Color Psychology on Consumer Behavior among Business Students

848-862 Marvin Ian Niere, John Reno B. Bustamante, Maureen S. Bacaltos, Ray Angelo B. Arceo, Hadassah Bigno

Strategies Applied in Resolving Organizational Conflict in the Academe: An Experienced-based Approach

972-977 Menrado V. Cajayon, Ernell Bautista Gutierrez, Luisito P. Masanga

Study on the Adherence to the Code of Ethics of Select Customs Broker Practitioner in the Philippines

1008-1012 Joan R. Doyo, Ernell Bautista Gutierrez, Julian M. Dante, Arnel B. Agapay

Social Media Integration and Financial Performance of Selected Micro Retail Businesses in Cebu City

1024-1037 Raul Jr Lumbab, Julie Mae Zamora, Louise Nichole Jucom, Junaline Sapariya

Assessment on the User Interface of a Select Consumer Mobile Application and its Effect to Purchasing Behaviour of Generation Z

1038-1043 Arnel B. Agapay, Ernell Bautista Gutierrez, Menrado V. Cajayon, Charito S. Cristobal