Published: 2022-11-12

Multi-level Car Parking as a Viable Solution to Traffic Issues in Davao City

2191-2197 Zosimo Co, Mark Anthony N. Polinar, Ronald B. Payao

Can Tax Incentives Affect MSME Tax Compliance?

2198-2205 Nita Andriyani Budiman, Mukhamad Nurkamid, Jaka Sriyana , Akhsyim

Level of Satisfaction of Customers on the Use of E-Commerce of Food Establishments

2215-2225 Janet D. Barrera, Beverly B. Samos, Mary Rose Barrios

TikTok and Grammar Skills in English: Perspectives of English Major Students

2226-2233 Nicole I. Revesencio, Rodemie R. Alonsagay, Luzlyn I. Dominguez, Donna Mae I. Hormillosa, Clint Hector I. Ibea, Mesty Mae S. Montaño, Ersyl T. Biray

Incidence of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in the Selected Elementary Schools in Jolo and Its Preventive Measures Applied by Their School Prin-cipals, School Teachers, and School Nurses

2245-2254 Magna Anissa E. Aming Hayudini, Brenda E. Aming Hussin, Rofaida E. Aming, Jonrad Q. Abdurahman, Arsheema E. Aming Abdurahman, Melchor B. Ynawat

Problems and Concerns at the Sheriff’s Office of the National Labor Rela-tions Commission – National Capital Region Arbitration Branch (Nlrc-Ncrab) with the Writ of Execution

2266-2277 Arnold D. Muñoz, Christine Joyce V. Montes, John Patrick V. Ayaay, Florinda G. Vigonte, Bernandino P. Malang, Marmelo V. Abante

Gamification in a Virtual Ecology (GIVE): Enhancing Classroom Engagement in Physical Education among Senior High School Students

2278-2289 John Louise M. Marcaida, Hans Christian A. Ortega, Edzel S. Castañeda, Pamela Mae M. Cadeliña, Rolan Randolf I. Garcia, Luwy R. Valenzuela, Julius Ceazar Tolentino

#Budolfinds: The Role of TikTok’s Shopee Finds’ Videos in the Impulsive Buying Behavior of Generation Z Consumers

2316-2328 Alvin B. Barcelona, Rhea Jane G. Angeles, Carmhiella A. Clemente, Sam Rhoy B. Dela Cruz, Renoa Lorraine O. Malimban, Jean Erika G. Santos, Jian Carlo D. Tan

Surviving Vulnerabilities of Isolation among Widowed Empty Nesters

2343-2361 Argonne Robert A. Ablanque, Deborah Natalia E. Singson

Learnings from Conducting an Online Lesson Study for the Online Teaching of Radian Measure

2440-2450 Leroy A. Flores, Adaiah C. Presto, John Edward A. Combo, Jaime G. Caballero, Victorina D. Palanas, Rolly A. Devis, Levi E. Elipane

Demographics and Awareness of Pag-Ibig Fund’s E-Government Service Among Private Employees in the Philippines

2450-2461 Annah Erania Masinas, Joyce Anne T. Pini Marbibi, Mae Michelle Buena, Florinda Vigonte, Bernandino P. Malang, Marmelo V. Abante

Postpartum Anxiety and Stress during the Covid-19 Pandemic

2480-2484 Ernauli Meliyana, Lenny Irmawaty Sirait, Suratmi