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The One Town One Product (OTOP) is a program of the Philippines wherein enterprises sell their products that are available within their localities. This study aimed in determination of challenges and opportunities experienced by these enterprises in Cavite. The researchers used descriptive-correlational design, purposive sampling and flexible data survey approaches through questionnaires. The proponents found that most of the OTOP enterprises were operating young, their initial capital is Php 300,000.00 below and most of the enterprises have one to nine employees. The participants of the study experienced challenges in production, reduction on manpower, establishing funds for employee-support, managing their flow of funds, attracting new customers, ensuring the health and well-being of the people. Moreover, the correlation results were insignificant. Thus, all null hypotheses are accepted. The outcome of this research study serves as a baseline for policy intervention and strategic implementation for rebound strategies among the pandemic hit enterprises.

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How to Cite
Tadeo, J. B., & Muralla, D. S. (2022). Opportunities and Challenges of Selected One Town One Product Enter-prises in Selected Towns of Cavite Amidst Pandemic. International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research, 3(11), 2255-2265.


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